Circle of Lies (Red Ridge Pack) Page 4
As I began separating his work and figuring out a battle plan, my peripheral vision caught someone looking my way. To my surprise, I glanced over to find one of Red Ridge’s beautiful people staring at me. Aiden Wright, Alli’s older brother.
I’d seen him before, actually. He was hard to miss, with his flawless, olive-toned complexion, his shiny (not purposely shiny, either, naturally shiny) almost-black hair, and those bright green eyes that a girl could so easily get lost in. We’d never talked, though. I’d always figured he thought himself better than me. All of that group did, with the exception of his sister.
He caught my eye and gave me a brazenly crooked smile that could make a girl weak in the knees. Unfortunately for him, it just looked cocky to me. He kind of reminded me of a peacock spreading out its feathers to attract a mate. Ha!
I quickly looked away, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of thinking he could make me fall in love with him, especially not with just one glance. He was beautiful and I was normal, but I was also smarter than the average bear. Ignoring the gawking eyes of Mr. Creeper, I went back to helping Sean organize his assignments. “So, which of these is the most important? Are any of these major grades?”
Sean scooted his chair a bit closer and leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Not to freak you out or anything, but that guy over there is staring at you. Isn’t that Aiden Wright?”
I resisted the urge to look over again and hissed at Sean to just to ignore him. I wasn’t interested in whatever game this guy was playing; I hadn’t ever been part of his paparazzi and certainly didn’t plan to join now, even if he was the sexiest guy to ever walk the halls of Red Ridge High. Not even if he was People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive.
Sean and I were just about to get down to business when Alli and Cade popped into the library carrying a tray of food. They were clearly on their way to Aiden, but Alli stopped at my table. “Hey, Teagan. How’s the studying going?”
“We were just about to get started,” I replied. Flipping through Sean’s incomplete work again, I asked, “Hey, Sean, you know Alli and Cade, right?” I was noncommittal, though. The proximity of both Aiden and Cade was weirding me out. Too many beautiful people in one small area.
Sean shook his head and replied with a polite, “Hey.”
“What’s up with you guys?” I asked before Sean invited them to sit with us. I was praying they’d just go away.
They didn’t. Instead, Alli waved Aiden over and said, “Hey, before you get to work, I want you to meet my brother. I don’t think you two were ever introduced. Teagan, this is Aiden. Aiden, this is my friend Teagan.”
As Alli made the introductions, her brother sauntered the short distance to our table. With a smug smile he reached out his hand to shake mine and said, “Hi, Teagan. It’s nice to finally meet the girl my sister is always talking about.”
His sister was always talking about me?
Our hands came together, and warmth spread throughout my entire body. I silently cussed at myself for letting him get to me; I was NOT going to be one of those girls. It didn’t help matters that Aiden held on to my hand for a bit longer than a normal handshake should last. And as his eyes bored into mine, I felt a bit light-headed. Damn him!
Thankfully, Sean interrupted the moment. “I’m Sean. Nice to finally meet you, man. I’ve seen you around school.”
Aiden let go of my hand to shake Sean’s. Then he turned to thank Cade and Alli for his lunch before heading back to the recliner in which he’d been sitting. Alli and Cade followed and sat down on one of the nearby couches. They quietly chatted amongst themselves.
Relieved to have introductions over with, I went back to helping Sean. I could still feel Aiden glancing my way from time to time, though. What was he trying to accomplish? He had every girl in the school hanging all over him, especially today, so why did he seem so hell-bent on getting my attention?
Whatever the reason, it was making it quite difficult to stay focused. Sean and I didn’t get all that much accomplished before the bell rang and lunch was over. Sean and I gathered our things, and I promised to help him some more after school. I silently reminded myself to walk straight toward the exit without looking back, but for some reason I couldn’t explain if I tried, my body refused to listen to my brain. My head turned in Aiden’s direction despite my best intentions, and yes, he was staring straight at me. Worse, it looked like he’d been waiting for me to turn his way.
“Red Ridge, New Mexico. Hmmm…pretty,” Peter said to himself as he drove through the small picturesque town. On the drive, he and his uncle had decided on a plan. Peter was to drive to Albuquerque. There he would set up a base. Albuquerque was central enough for him to investigate the missing persons and animal attacks without being noticed, and the last thing either he or Raymond wanted was to warn any no-good, murdering werewolves that anyone was on to them. At least, they didn’t want it known until they were ready to act.
Peter pulled off the main road and into the parking lot of the local coffee shop, needing to stop and regroup his thoughts. It was beginning to snow again, and truth be told he didn’t much like the idea of driving through the mountains in this kind of weather. In the nearly empty restaurant he placed an order and grabbed a copy of the local paper.
“Sir…you had the cream cheese Danish and the large coffee. Cream and sugar?” the waitress asked a short time later. Peter just smiled politely and took his order.
He’d just taken a bite from his Danish when he saw the headline in the paper: LARGE BLACK WOLF FOUND MUTILATED. It nearly caused him to choke. He dropped his snack and quickly read the article. The local authorities were looking for the feral animal that was responsible, but until they could locate and gain custody of the beast, they were urging residents to keep a watchful eye on their pets and small children. They were also asking residents to stay out of the woods at all costs, because whatever animal was responsible for the attack was most likely incredibly large, and by the looks of what it had done to the wolf, extremely hostile.
“Bingo,” Peter said to himself. To the waitress he said, “Um…excuse me, miss. Could you recommend a hotel?”
Plans had changed. This was a good place to stick around and see what might show its ugly, furry face.
Teagan Rhodes.
Wow, just thinking her name sent chills down my arms. How was it possible I’d been going to this school for over a month and I’d just met this girl? Our high school wasn’t even that big. How in the world had I missed her?
And that scent. Was it perfume? Body spray? Whatever it was, it was all-consuming, amazing, mind-blowing. I’d never smelled anything like it, and if I could have, I would have stripped down naked and rolled around in it. Creepy? Yes. I know it was, but I couldn’t help myself. I hoped to God that the guy in the library wasn’t her boyfriend. Sean, wasn’t that his name? He looked nice enough. I would hate to have to break them up, and I would have to break them up if this connection was as strong as it seemed. I’d never felt anything like it.
“Earth to Aiden. The bell rang. You coming?” my sister asked.
What? Lost in my Teagan-filled thoughts, I hadn’t even heard. I grabbed my backpack and the rest of my leftover lunch and prepared to follow Alli and Cade out of the library, but Teagan was leaving, too, so I stood there waiting, wanting her to look my way. Willing her to look my way. And…she did.
Yeah, sorry, Sean. There’s definitely something there.
“So, that’s the Teagan you’re always talking about?” I asked Alli as we left the library. I hurried to catch up.
“Yeah, she’s great,” my sister replied. “She was like the only person that was nice to me when we first moved here, and she’s sweet and really smart.”
She kissed Cade goodbye, then, and I stood there waiting with my head turned, trying to ignore them. It was still too weird.
“Later, Aiden,” Cade called with a wave.
“Yeah, thanks for the sandwich,” I called out in return. I still didn’t look at him. Then I got back to the subject I was most interested in: “How come you never told me Teagan was so hot, Alli?”
“Oh. So, you think she’s hot?”
Please. The girl was definitely hot; there was no doubt about it. I gave my sister a look that said just that, even if Teagan was different from the girls I usually hung with, definitely unlike any of the pack girls. She was the complete opposite, actually. She had hair so light blonde that I’d bet it looked white in the sun. It was long and messy-looking, but in a sexy way. Her eyes were a dark blue—or maybe they only looked dark because her skin was so fair—and she was tiny, probably a foot shorter than me, but something about that tiny frame just made her even hotter. Alli looked like an Amazon standing next to her.
“Aiden? Damn, you’ve got it bad, huh?” my sister said, stopping in front of me and crossing her arms.
I guess I did have it bad, but I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t answer.
“Well, maybe I can put in a good word for you. I’ll tell you what, let me think about it,” she said.
I mimicked her stance, and with one raised eyebrow I stared her down. She’d think about it?
“All right, all right, you win!” She laughed.
“Alli, have I ever needed your help with the ladies?” I asked. “Come on, look at me.”
But, something told me this time I would. Teagan had eyed me like I was crazy. Not only had I practically drooled all over her in the library, but my face was a mess. I could barely move my shoulder, and when I’d smiled at her I think my lip split back open. Real smooth, Ad.
Alli clearly felt the same. “You might actually need my help this time,” she said. “Teagan is…not fond of the pack. She refers to them as ‘The Beautiful People’ and I think you’re included in that. She’s not really a fan. She’s…had a run-in.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Teagan was new to the school last year, and let’s just say Kendall didn’t exactly roll out the welcome mat. Kendall’s friends weren’t any nicer, them or any of the people you hang with. Since then, Teagan’s avoided that group like the plague.”
“She’s friends with you,” I pointed out.
“True, but up until last week I really didn’t hang with y’all much. Just carpooling to and from school with the pack,” she reminded me.
I could feel that my cheeks were flushed, and I ground my teeth. “If that bitch Kendall ruined any chance I might have with Teagan, I swear to God I will hunt her down,” I growled.
Alli’s face fell. “Chill, Aiden. You okay? Maybe you should just skip the rest of the day and get some rest.”
Only an idiot would fail to realize Kendall was still a touchy subject, and maybe Alli could tell I wasn’t kidding about hunting her down; the look on my sister’s face was truly worried. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure what had come over me. Hearing that I might not have a chance with Teagan just because of some crazy-ass girl that didn’t even go to the school anymore had made me see red. I wasn’t usually so quick to get angry. I clearly wasn’t acting myself.
Just as I’d decided that Alli was right and it would really be best for me to go home, I smelled her again. Teagan. She was close. Just down the hallway? I turned in time to see Sean give her a hug, and the two began an animated conversation just outside a classroom.
He saw me watching, and I swear he glared. Good, I thought. Be worried. Because there was no way I was leaving school now.
“I’m fine. Sorry, just got a little carried away,” I assured Alli, not taking my eyes off Teagan. “I won’t do anything crazy.”
“Okay,” she said. “Well, I’m glad you like her or think she’s hot or whatever. She is pretty cool.” A sudden notion seemed to occur. “Hey, maybe we can go on a double date! That would be so much fun.”
“Now who’s getting carried away?” I asked. But Alli had already started making plans. I could tell by her goofy grin.
“Come on,” she said. “We’re going to be late to class.”
Everything kind of went downhill after that. I’d thought I was in the clear, as I’d made it all the way through lunch without seeing Becca, but just as I was about to walk into my next class she grabbed me.
“Hey, baby, I missed you at lunch,” she said, making a pouty little face. “Is someone not feeling good?”
“I’m fine,” I told her, taking a step back. “Just a little tired. Nothing to worry about.”
She took a step forward. “Do you want me to give you a ride home? Maybe we could stop for pizza or something.”
“That’s okay, really. I should probably go straight home. Besides, Alli drove today. Maybe another time?”
I said the last bit just to be nice, but Becca was really starting to piss me off. I’m sure every other guy in the school would have loved to have her so interested in them, but not me. She was just way too aggressive; I was seeing that more and more. What irritated me even more was that she hadn’t paid me any mind before today. The only thing that made sense was if she’d found out that Marcus was my real father. She was probably hoping to slide into Kendall’s place now that Kendall was gone, Queen of the Populars.
Becca didn’t skip a beat. “Anytime,” she squeaked. Then she gave me a hug that lasted way too long. I tried to pull away, but she just held on tighter. Her scent flooded my senses, and I knew right then that Teagan was the only one for me. It was her that I wanted, not Becca or anyone else. She just smelled…perfect.
Becca finally let me go, and I left so fast you would’ve thought the school was on fire. I didn’t see her for the rest of the day, which was good, but I didn’t see Teagan either.
Damn. I was going to have to find a way to get to know that girl.
I managed to avoid Aiden for the rest of the day, though to be honest I couldn’t stop thinking about him. And I really needed to stop thinking about him. To help, I thought back to my first week of school here at Red Ridge, remembered that Aiden was now part of the clan that spent their days making everyone else feel inferior in every way. I reminded myself of the strange cultish behavior of the Beautiful People here and how the rest of us were mere mortals.
Of course, now that Kendall had mysteriously disappeared, things did seem a bit different. Alli didn’t elaborate on where Kendall had gone, but I didn’t care as long as she wasn’t here. It had only been one day, but already it seemed the climate of the school had changed. The “common” people seemed more relaxed; happier even. I could be imagining it, but maybe, just maybe, things would be better now for good. Maybe she’d been the driving force behind the awfulness at this school. Or maybe I was just making excuses for having Aiden still on my mind.
I couldn’t fall for a guy like Aiden. Not again. I’d made that mistake once before and I wouldn’t be stupid enough to do it again. Alex Foster, AKA Asshole of the Universe, walked these halls like he could have any girl he wanted, and the fact was that he could. He was hot, a senior, and for some reason he set his sights on me when I first moved here. I fell right under his spell, like an idiot. He’d made all sorts of promises and talked sweet, and my mom had just run off…and as soon as he got what he wanted, he dumped me like yesterday’s garbage. To make matters worse, he let the whole school know how he managed to get the new girl into bed and then broke up with me in the cafeteria the next day. No, I wouldn’t fall for a guy like that again. Aiden Wright would have to find someone else to bat his eyes at.
I rushed home after school to grab a quick bite before work. I walked in the door to find Dad holding pasta.
“Hey, hon. I’m making dinner so you can eat something good before work,” he said, as if this were a completely normal occurrence.
Not that he’d never before attempted to play father of the year. Unfortunately, it usually ended with a drunken brawl at the local tavern or a dr
unken rage at home where he’d once again blame me for everything wrong in his life, especially Mom’s disappearance. James, the good Dad, never lasted longer than a few days tops. Still, this felt different. Something was up.
Part of me wanted to tell him never to bother trying to make up for being a shitty father, but it was easier just to play along and ride it out. I put my purse and school bag down and went over to check out dinner. There wasn’t much to say about it.
“Looks pretty good, huh?” Dad asked.
“Sure, it looks great. Thanks,” I replied then pasted a fake smile on my face as I took a seat at the kitchen table. “I only have about twenty minutes before I need to leave, though.”
Dad started making up our plates. “Well, about that. I had to put the Subaru in the shop, so I need to borrow your car. Before you say anything, I can drive you to work and then pick you up when you get off.”
I’d known there was a catch. “Seriously, Dad? Where do you need to go?”
“Actually, to an AA meeting. I know I’ve been horrible lately, and I just want to make things better. Really, Teagan.”
Asshole! Now I couldn’t even be mad or say no, even though I knew his AA ventures never lasted. If I told him he couldn’t borrow my car, I would look like the jerk. I’d look like I didn’t want him to get sober.
I tried to keep the bitterness out of my voice. “Fine, but make sure you pick me up at nine o’clock. I have homework to do when I get home.”
He put our plates on the table, and the little-boy-lost look on his face immediately made me feel guilty. How could he still manage to do that after all these years? But I knew exactly what he wanted to hear, so like a good little daughter I said, “And Dad, I’m really glad you are going to AA. I hope it helps.”